
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Patricia Olarte” ,找到相关结果约12344条。
Rabdomiosarcoma retroperitoneal en el adulto Retroperitoneal rhabdomyosarcoma in the adult
Patricia Olarte,Ricardo Duarte,Alejandro Lora
Revista Colombiana de Cirugía , 2012,
Abstract: El rabdomiosarcoma es un tumor maligno de los tejidos blandos que representa, aproximadamente, 4 a 8 % de los tumores sólidos en los ni os. Generalmente, se origina en la cabeza y el cuello, y el sistema genitourinario. El rabdomiosarcoma retroperitoneal rara vez se ha reportado en la literatura científica, y el rabdomiosarcoma embrionario de origen epiploico en los adultos es aún más raro. Este tumor maligno de tejidos blandos es más común en los ni os. El número de casos por millón de habitantes entre 1994 y 2005, fue de 8,3 (hombres) y 3,7 (mujeres); la mayoría de los casos son esporádicos. Según el tipo histológico, son tumores embrionarios, alveolares o pleomórficos. El rabdomiosarcoma embrionario se llama así por su parecido con el músculo esquelético inmaduro y representa el 60 % de los casos de este tumor en los pacientes menores de 20 a os de edad. El propósito de este artículo fue revisar la literatura científica y presentar un caso clínico de rabdomiosarcoma retroperitoneal en un paciente adulto de la Clínica Universitaria Colombia. Rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant soft tissue tumor accounting for approximately 4-8% of all solid tumors in children. It generally originates in the head and neck and in the genitourinary system. Retroperitoneal rhabdomyosarcoma has been rarely reported in the literature, and the embryonary rhabdomyosarcoma of omental origin in the adult is even rarer. This soft tissue malignancy is more common in children. The number of cases per million inhabitants was 8.3 (males) and 3.7 (females) in the period between the years 1994 and 2005; most cases are sporadic rhabdomyosarcomas. According to the histologic type, these neoplasms are embryonal, alveolar, and pleomorphic. The embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma is named so for its resemblance to the immature skeletal muscle, and represents 60% of all rhabdomyosarcomas in patients under 20 years of age. The purpose of this article is the review of the scientific literature and the report of a case of retroperitoneal rhabdomyosarcoma in an adult managed at Clínica Universitaria Colombiana, Bogotá, Colombia.
Resección de divertículo epifrénico por laparoscopia Laparoscopic resection of epiphrenic diverticulum
Patricia Olarte,Oscar Luis Padrón,Diego Arboleda
Revista Colombiana de Cirugía , 2012,
Abstract: El divertículo epifrénico es infrecuente, la mayoría surge por un mecanismo de pulsión debido a un trastorno motor esofágico que determina un efecto de barrera y ocasiona la herniación de la mucosa y la submucosa a través de un punto débil de la capa muscular. Se asocia a menudo con acalasia, trastornos concomitantes de la motilidad esofágica, y una alta presión de reposo del esfínter esofágico inferior. Los principales síntomas experimentados por los pacientes son disfagia, regurgitación y broncoaspiración. El tratamiento quirúrgico sólo se recomienda en pacientes sintomáticos. Se han utilizado técnicas mínimamente invasivas, con éxito en la mayoría de los casos. El abordaje laparoscópico es el tratamiento quirúrgico de elección. Una miotomía larga y un procedimiento antirreflujo deben asociarse para evitar las fístulas del esófago en la línea de reparación del reflujo gastroesofágico. El objetivo de esta revisión es revisar la literatura científica de esta infrecuente enfermedad; presentamos un caso tratado por abordaje laparoscópico. The epiphrenic diverticulum is a rare pathological entity that generally results from a barrier motility disorder that causes herniation of the mucosa and submucosa through a weak spot in the muscularis. It frequently appears associated with achalasia, concomitant esophageal motility disorders, and a high resting pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter. Main symptoms are dysphagia, regurgitation, and bronchial aspiration. Surgical treatment is recommended only for symptomatic cases. Minimally invasive techniques have been successfully utilized in most cases. The laparoscopic approach is the surgical technique of choice. A long myotomy and an antireflux procedure should be added in order to prevent the development of fistulae at the site of repair of the antireflux procedure. The aim of this article is to review the literature of this infrequent entity. We also present a case of laparoscopic repair of an epiphrenic diverticulum by laparoscopic approach.
Acta Biológica Colombiana , 2010,
Abstract: to estimate the diversity, structure and genetic flow in three colombian southwest afrodescendent populations (buenaventura, mulaló y tumaco), the alleles revealed by 8 autosomal str’s were analyzed in 78 no related individuals, by the use of pcr and comparison with specific allelic ladders for every system resolved by polyacrylamide gel (8%). the results were compared with 2 amerindian populations (awa-kuaikier and coyaima) and 2 mixed colombian populations (valle del cauca and cauca). for the afrodescendent and amerindian populations was found moderate diversity (h between 0.768±0.414 and 0.796±0.424), in contrast, the mixed population showed higher rates (>0.803), which is probably caused by mixing with amerindians, that also can explain the high endogamy seen in mixed populations. the amova exhibited moderate genetic structure between the afrodescendent populations (fst= 0.098; p<0.05), but higher between the three ethnical groups compared (fst=0.26723; p<0.05). the closer genetics distances are in favor of tumaco and buenaventura, supported for the migration rate found (34.298), which was the same inside of amerindian and mixed populations. maybe, because mulaló is a closed isolated population, its differences in front others afrodescendent populations are explained. the neighbor-joining tree showed nearest relations among amerindian and mixed populations, furthermore, the ancestral character for the afrodescendents. that sustains the idea of genetic flow maintained between the 3 ethnical groups, principally between amerindian and mixed populations, supported because the genetic differences, migration rates and amerindian matrilineality reported in the literature.
Walden dos: crítica al paradigma económico moderno
Olarte Rodríguez,Liliana;
Diversitas: Perspectivas en Psicología , 2005,
Abstract: after being published walden two was rejected due to false conceptions that suggested that the novel was the defense and representation of the economic and social values of capitalism. however a more detailed analysis shows how the construction of the society proposed by skinner critiques the fundamental pillars of the current economic and social paradigms such as egotism as the base for social welfare, the growing acquisition of material goods as the motor of the economy and "freedom" according to the capitalistic dogmas. although walden two is a utopia, it reveals how is necessary to introduce the principles of the behavior engineering, aspect that has not been widely considered by fields like economics and politics, if we want to solve the problems that the current social structure suffers.
El público y las políticas de ciencia y tecnología
Nieto Olarte,Mauricio;
Interciencia , 2002,
Abstract: recent contributions from the sociology of knowledge allow the understanding of science and technology as social practices in which the public has an active participation and make evident that knowledge is essentially a communication process. the recognition of science and technology as cultural expressions has important implications about science promotion policies, turning public dissemination strategies into a fundamental element for the consolidation of science as a development factor.
Nieto Olarte,Mauricio;
Historia Crítica , 2009,
Abstract: this article discusses a number of key issues in the history of sixteenth-century iberian science: the role of sixteenth-century spanish science in the construction of modern science; the encounter of western science with other forms of knowledge; the relationship between science and empire; and the construction of a eurocentric world order. the author concludes by suggesting that the idea of "comprehension" -as both a form of appropriation and a process of self-construction- can help explain the political character of science and its role in the iberian conquest of the new world.
Silva Olarte,Renán;
Historia Crítica , 2009,
Abstract: this article briefy examines a subject repeatedly addressed by historians: the anachronism. called the historian's "sin of sins" by lucien febvre, the article shows the current relevance of this issue and underscores the need to be continuously vigilant with respect to this obstacle to historical understanding, particularly since it is capable of assuming the most surprising forms.
?Qué es ganar y qué es perder en política?: los retos en la participación electoral
Bernal Olarte,Angélica;
Análisis Político , 2006,
Abstract: why do women succeed or fail in politics? this article seeks to answer that question in three stages. one, with reference to the formal regulations of electoral proceedings and their possible consequences for women's participation. two, women's participation in politics in relation to the powerbrokers of political dynamics: ideological affiliation, the processes and criteria for internal nomination, and the resolve to place women in prominent positions on the electoral slates. three, the obstacles, stumbling blocks, and opportunities that women who participate in politics encounter, deriving from traditional constructs of femininity (education level and professional advancement, distribution of family and domestic responsibilities).
Definición de los conceptos Evento clínico y Situación que requieren cuidado de enfermería
Aquichán , 2010,
Abstract: concept definition and analysis has become an important process for producing knowledge in the field of nursing. this assertion is supported by the literature published in recent decades, which contains articles on concepts that have contributed to the growth of knowledge with respect to nursing. yet, the concepts that contribute to knowledge in the clinical area and favor unification of the language used by nurses in that area clearly need to be clarified. doing so could demonstrate that nursing is more than action focused on care; it also deals with concepts (words and phrases) that indicate attention in clinical practice, concepts which must be the result of rigorous study. this article offers a definition of the synthesized concepts of a clinical event that requires nursing care (cernc) and a situation that requires nursing care (srnc), based on the patient's physiological changes, feelings, emotions and concerns during the early postoperative phase (48-96 hours) of myocardial revascularization (mrv). these concepts provided the conceptual framework for a doctoral dissertation entitled "nursing care for patients in the early postoperative phase of myocardial revascularization." the definition was developed using walker and avant's concept synthesis method as a strategy for constructing theory that helps to enrich knowledge in the field of nursing. in their opinion, concept synthesis is based on observation or empirical evidence. with this method, data can be obtained from direct observation, quantitative evidence, literature or a combination of all three. the concept synthesis process is regarded as one of the most exciting ways to begin to construct theory. it also allows theory to use clinical experience as a starting point.
Situaciones que requieren cuidado de enfermería en el paciente en posoperatorio temprano de una revascularización miocárdica
Avances en Enfermería , 2010,
Abstract: situations that require nursing care (srce) take place and are typical of a patient in an early post-operative stage (popt) of myocardial revascularization (48 to 96 hours). said situations constitute the qualitative data of the doctoral thesis titled "nursing care to the patient in early post-operative stage following a myocardial revascularization", whose general objective was to design the nursing care proposal for the patient in early post-operative stage following a myocardial revascularization based on problems identified from the interpretation of the clinical events and the situations that require nursing care. interviews (semi-structured) were taken of 40 patients during their early post-operative stage; questions were asked about their feelings, emotions and concerns. the collected information was refined. literal phrases of the patients were used and descriptive codes were established, which were interpreted in order to determine the nominal and substantive codes to then be grouped under one same term forming the categories, which are the situations that require nursing care: wellbeing, achievements, reasoning, benefit, satisfaction, beliefs and values, suffering, anxiety and affliction. the proposal states that dialogue, gathering and the call-answer scenario will have better effects on the wellbeing of the patient, if the cold and impersonal atmosphere of the hospital is changed into a caring surrounding where conditions such as presence of family and affective availability of nurses are strengthened, providing information on the process the patient goes through, using a language that allows his/hers being understood and that contributes to reducing the distress and the anxiety that the surrounding context may generate.

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